Tools I use when life serves up lemons.
Hello! I'm Michele, Founder of Neat Little Nest. Here I share my passion for creating beautifully organized spaces with the goal of helping people simplify their lives.
I hope you find some inspiration.
reducing mental clutter this holiday season
a DIY gratitude jar
the 2022 Neat Little Planner is here!
10 techniques to help decrease mental clutter
transformational decluttering
how single-tasking can improve your productivity
frugal february: using frugality to declutter your home
why saying "yes" when you really want (or need) to say "no" contributes to mind clutter
how mindfulness helps to keep your home tidy
how I slowed down to declutter my mind
the 2021 Neat Little Nest Planner is here!
the daily ritual that changed my life
20+ back-to-school (or off to college) tips to keep you and your family organized
decluttering your habits | breaking cycles that keep you from living your most desired life
my top 10 organizing quotes + sayings
small steps to big change
COVID-19 reflections | 10 lessons I've learned
coping with mind clutter + COVID-19
the power of routines
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